Family Photography- Lawrenceburg KY, Danville KY, Somerset KY
I was so happy to meet and photograph this family on the first Saturday in June!
I adore being a photographer specializing in children, family, and weddings. I am truly honored to photograph your family and watch them grow.
Instead of telling you all about the fabulous session, I now have one generic post for all galleries with all my key words so I come up in your search for a Newborn, Family, or Wedding Photographer in South Central KY! Crafty, right? I’m always thinking! Well, if you are reading this, then you found my blog! Fantastic!
Enjoy the images I have created to capture this special time!
Lela Dishman Portraits specializes in portrait photography, from wedding photography, family photography, children and newborn photography … also serving Somerset KY, Monticello KY, Lexington KY and surrounding areas for all your photography needs.

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